Home > Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(53)

Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(53)
Author: Sydney Landon

We make it in the door of our home with only some light groping in the elevator. “Clothes off,” I instruct Lia as I throw my keys on the entryway table. She walks toward the bedroom grumbling under her breath. Even though we’ve had sex against the glass windows in the living room, she still shies away from walking through this part of the apartment nude. My little Lia might talk a good game at times, but she is still modest at heart.

I’m moving to follow her when it finally hits me that everything has been cleaned up. I had completely forgotten about the service that was to arrive this evening to handle the removal of most all of my glassware. Looking around, I am impressed. I had to give them credit; they might cost a small fortune, but everything looks just as it did. Well…other than the missing pieces which would need replacing. No wonder I was getting the evil eyes from the concierge. She had to let them in and no doubt thought Lia and I had had some out-of-control party.

I walk into the bedroom just as Lia upends a duffle bag onto the bed. I’m getting ready to comment on the fact that she’s still wearing clothes when I do a double-take as one item from the bag rolls out front and center. I move closer, thinking I must be imagining what I think I’m seeing until Lia hisses, “Oh, shit!” She reaches for the big, purple vibrator just as I grab it from the bed and eye it before looking at her in question. She is blushing furiously. “Oh, my God, Luc, give that to me!”

I hold it out of her reach, shaking my head as I cluck my tongue. “My, my, Miss Adams, what do we have here?”

“It’s nothing, just give it back!” she cries as she tries to reach high enough to wrestle it from my hands. “Luc!”

“Tut, tut,” I say, waving it around. “It looks like a big, purple cock to me. Now, whatever have you been doing with this?” Taking in the length and girth in my hand, I’m secretly relieved to know I still have the biggest dick in this house, but it’s damn close.

“I can’t believe Rose did this to me! She was only supposed to bring my underwear.” She’s now given up trying to get her plastic friend back, and she’s standing there with a hand over her eyes, looking mortified. I want to tell her that this is tame compared to some of the things I’ve seen women use in the name of pleasure, but I don’t think she’d appreciate that right now…or ever.

Shaking the vibrator, I say, “Well, obviously Rose thought you might need your purple friend here. Come on…tell me, have you missed using it?” She shakes her head, still refusing to look at me. “Ah, come on,” I continue to tease, “you’re not going to hurt my feelings by admitting it.” Okay, maybe that’s bullshit, because it probably would wound me a bit to know she was pining for a battery-operated boyfriend while sleeping beside the real thing.

She falls face-down on the bed, lying across the pile she had just tossed out of the bag. I barely make out her muffled voice saying, “This is so humiliating.”

I hate to admit to myself that I’m suddenly even more turned on imagining what I could do to her with the toy I’m holding. Yeah, I’ve used all manner of things with women before, but not with Lia. I want…no, I have to see her take this purple dick deep into her pussy. I only hope she’ll agree. For a moment, I wonder if tonight is the best time to be thinking of kinky sex with all that has happened today, but maybe we both need the stress reliever. It’s sad, really, to think of the reasons why, but Lia bounces back amazingly swift from the blows life throws at her. I know it’s because she conditioned herself to do just that years ago.

I drop the vibrator onto the bed and lower my body slowly over hers. I hold the brunt of my weight off her slim frame, allowing my cock to nestle against her backside. I nip the outer shell of her ear with my teeth and smile as she shudders. Pushing my denim-covered cock into the cleft of her ass, I purr, “Feel how hard I am. That’s all you, baby. Just thinking about watching you pleasure yourself is driving me out of my mind. I’ll make you good and wet, and then I want you to take over. Can you do that for me?”

I hear her groaning into the bed, and I have no idea if it’s in embarrassment or desire. I wait with bated breath to see what she’ll do. I half-expect her to hit me over the head with the big vibrator and run, so I’m pleasantly shocked when I hear a muffled, “Um…okay.”

Holy hell, my cock is on the verge of busting through my zipper at her reply. It takes all the strength I have to keep from jerking both of our pants down and plunging into her from behind. There is no way I can miss this, though, regardless of the discomfort in my pants. I roll to the side and let her turn to her back. Her face is bright red, but her nipples are hard and pressing against her shirt, and her knees are shifting together, which I know is a sure sign of her arousal.

I don’t want to ruin the mood by teasing her any further, so instead I take charge. “Stand and take your clothes off,” I instruct her. She barely hesitates before sitting up to kick her shoes off and then rising gracefully to her feet. She makes eye contact with me and never looks away as she pulls off first her shirt and then her bra, dropping them to the floor. This isn’t a slow, erotic striptease; she wants the clothing off because she’s completely turned on. “That’s good, baby,” I praise her as she unsnaps her jeans and shimmies them down her hips, taking her underwear with them. She has learned to work around her cast and is proficient now in dressing…and undressing with it.

In what seems like record time, she is standing before me naked and almost defiant. I have a hard time containing my grin. She is telling me without words that she won’t back down. She knows well that I never thought she would go through with this. My baby picks odd times to let her competitive nature come out; I fucking love it. “Lie on the bed and put a pillow under your ass.” She follows my orders perfectly, taking only seconds to get into position. I sit up on the bed, unable to do anything but look at her. God, she is so beautiful she steals the breath from my body.

I almost choke on my tongue when she says in a bored tone, “Are we doing this or not?” Instead of laughing, as I want to, I decide on a little payback.

“Stay where you are. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.” With those words, I stand and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me before leaning against the wall and laughing my ass off. How many other women could step so far out of their comfort zone and then neatly turn the tables? I know her well enough to understand that lying there exposed like that is probably killing her, but she won’t back down. I’m betting right about now she’s cursing me under her breath and trying to talk herself out of covering up with the comforter.

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