Home > Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(55)

Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(55)
Author: Sydney Landon

After my attack in the basement of our old place, neither of us could bear to live there anymore. She would love for me to move back in with her, but she is okay financially without a roommate. She comes from money and only had roommates because she enjoyed the company. I plan to talk with Lucian about our living arrangements. Even though I’ve been staying at his apartment for months, I don’t want to just assume that he wants me there permanently. I think it’s important that we both know where things stand between us. He knows I love him, and even though I feel that he loves me as well, he hasn’t said the words yet.

I walk into the kitchen to one of my favorite parts of the day: Lucian in his suit, sans the jacket, sitting at the bar watching the morning stock report. He looks so delicious that I want to wrap myself around him and never let him go. He has a cup of coffee sitting next to a multi-grain bagel with blueberry cream cheese. I smile knowing he’s made a trip down the street to the bakery on the corner. He looks up as if sensing my presence and smiles. “Hey, baby. I was getting ready to come find you. Your coffee is getting cold.” He turns on the stool, opening his arms and legs for me to step between them. He kisses me thoroughly and I lick at his lips. He tastes of coffee and hazelnut creamer.

“Mmm,” I hum when he finally releases me. I flush when he catches me sniffing him before I pull away.

He winks as if to say, ‘caught ya.’ “So, what time do I need to have Sam return to pick you up this morning? If you’re going early, I can just drive myself to the office.”

I shake my head as I take a bite of my bagel. “Um, no. I don’t need Sam today. I’m driving myself.”

He reaches a fingertip out, wiping some of the cream cheese from my lip and sticking it in his mouth. Dear Lord, that was hot. “Your car is a death trap. I need to have a mechanic check it over. Or better yet, I’ll just get you a new car.”

“Lucian Quinn,” I snap around the bite of food in my mouth. I swallow and add, “You will do no such thing. My car is just fine. I don’t need to be dropped off like some snotty rich girl today.”

He chuckles, tweaking my nose. “God forbid you be mistaken for that. Nevertheless, if you would please take the Range Rover just to put my mind at ease. I’ll have Sam check your car out.” When I open my mouth to protest he says, “It’s been sitting for weeks without being driven. It’s the responsible thing to do, baby.”

I grudgingly agree that he has a valid point. I think things are going well, until he pulls his wallet out and hands me his black credit card. “What’s this for?” I ask, looking at him in confusion.

“For your tuition and any books or supplies you may need.”

I drop the card in front of his plate. “I have a scholarship for that.”

He sighs, not picking up the card. “Lia, you don’t need to depend on aid. I’ll pay for your schooling. Let someone else who needs the help have it. I want to take care of you.”

I can’t decide if I’m mad at him for trying to take over my life or touched he would care enough to want to. Maybe a little of both, which is why I’m not screaming right now. “Lucian, I need to do this on my own. I worked hard to get that scholarship, and dammit, I deserve it. I know you want to help me, and I love you for it, but don’t ask me to stop being who I am. I want to be the woman in your life who you respect, not another obligation.”

He closes his eyes for a moment, processing my words. “This is important to you,” he says.

I know it was more of a statement on his part than a question, but I answer anyway. “Yes, it is. I need to see this through myself.”

“Okay, baby,” he says softly as he wraps a hand around my neck, pulling my forehead to his. As is also the normal morning routine, the doorbell rings, and we both know it’s Sam. Lucian drops a kiss on my lips, and then stands to pull on his jacket. “Be careful today, and please call and let me know how it goes?”

“I will,” I promise as I follow him to the door. Sam and I say hello and Lucian drops another kiss on my lips before leaving. I feel like I’ve won a small victory…he took his credit card with him. Maybe there’s hope to tame my alpha male after all.


I park Lucian’s Range Rover in the parking lot of the financial aid offices. Ms. Gaston is waiting for me when I reach her office. The campus is still quiet since classes don’t start back for a few more weeks. “Lia, come in. I was just going through your records.” I have a seat in front of her desk and watch as she slips her glasses back on before studying the monitor in front of her. “You kept an A average in all of your classes last semester which is above the requirement level, so you’re fine grade-wise. Your scholarships are available.” Then looking confused, she adds, “I’m just not sure why you scheduled this meeting to process the paperwork.”

Now I’m even more confused than she looks. “Er…why wouldn’t I? Classes start soon, and I need to begin buying my books and supplies. I’ll need the money from the scholarships to do that.”

“Lia…you don’t need a scholarship when your tuition has already been paid in full. You also have a more than sufficient overpay to take care of anything else you might need for your classes. I mean, were you confused about the amount of money you would need? If so, I can assure you that you’re more than covered.”

My head is spinning, and I feel sick to my stomach. How could Lucian do this without discussing it with me first? Why hadn’t he told me he had already paid for my schooling when we talked about it earlier? How dare he let me find out this way! I’m literally shaking with anger and Ms. Gaston is starting to shift uneasily in her seat at the expression on my face. Somehow, I manage to keep my voice level and below a scream as I ask, “Could you please print out something, a receipt, or anything showing when and how the money was paid for my records.”

She looks surprised by my request then grateful to have something to do other than deal with my anger. “Sure, dear. I can do that.” It takes her just a minute to click a few buttons, then hand me a piece of paper off her printer. She gets to her feet, ushering me toward the door. “Now, just let me know if you have any other questions.” I don’t bother to reply as I stalk out into the hallway. When I reach Lucian’s car, I get behind the wheel and slump back. Out of curiosity, I smooth the wrinkled paper out, checking to see what date he paid my tuition. It’s dated ten days earlier. I’m just folding the paper when something catches my eye. Under the notes section of the receipt, it says, ‘PAID VIA CREDIT CARD. LEE JACKS, FALCO CORP.’

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