Home > Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(54)

Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(54)
Author: Sydney Landon

Unfortunately for her, I have a big problem to take care of before I go back. Yeah, if you’ve ever wondered if it’s true about men jacking off before a big date, then let me answer that question: abso-fucking-lutely. I know I’ll give in and fuck her too soon if I don’t relieve some pressure. Therefore, I kick off my shoes and lower my pants and boxers. I’m so hard that no extra foreplay is needed. I go straight for the long, rough strokes, and within an embarrassingly short amount of time, I’m shooting into my hand. My moans of satisfaction have probably alerted Lia as to what’s going on. I’m betting she wants to kill me right about now. I take my time washing my hands and pulling off my shirt before walking back into the bedroom. I feel somewhat better, but I’m still hard, and looking at Lia lying with her legs open isn’t doing anything to help that.

She’s glaring daggers at me as I smirk at her. “Should I have been taking care of things on my end, as well?” she asks in a snide voice.

I manage to keep my expression impassive, but it’s a struggle. “Oh, no, baby, you don’t take care of anything until I’m here to watch.” I sit on the side of the bed, near her hip, and idly stroke my hand down her leg, stopping just short of the juncture of her thighs. The smell of her arousal is causing my head to spin, and I know I’m only killing myself by torturing her. My control seems to have left the building. She gasps out as I drop my hand between her legs and circle her clit. She had obviously been expecting me to continue to deny her my intimate touch. I push a finger into her experimentally, finding her wet and swollen. She moans as I add another digit, sliding them easily in and out. “I think you’re wet enough to take that big, purple friend of yours without my help. Is thinking of that what’s got you this hot?” I’m not sure if I want to know the answer to that question. I don’t think I’m ready to share her, even if the other cock is plastic.

“Mmm, no,” she moans.

“Then what has you this wet?” I ask as I add a third finger, stretching her tight channel.

Her hands drop to her breasts, taking her nipples between her fingers and tugging on them. Shit, I’m feeling lightheaded. “You…watching me,” she finally replies. Well, hell. I pull my fingers from her pussy before I lose it. I stick them in my mouth, sucking each one clean of her spicy essence before slowly backing away. I need some distance between us now.

“All right, baby, show me how you fuck yourself,” I say as I settle in the chair at the foot of the bed, close enough to see perfectly and far enough away to keep myself from touching her. I hold off giving her further instructions because I want to watch her take charge of her own pleasure.

She leans forward to grab the purple vibrator, and then relaxes back with it lying across her stomach. She pulls on a nipple with the two free fingers of her injured hand while dropping the other to her pussy. My eyes are riveted as she massages her nipple into a stiff peak while pushing one finger inside her wet heat. Shit, at this rate, I’ll never make it until she uses the vibrator. I’m on the verge of yelling mercy when she finally picks up the big cock and lowers it to her slit. She moves it up and down, coating the tip in her juices before settling the tip against her entrance. “Luc,” she whimpers as she pushes the head inside.

Fuck me; I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything hotter than her taking that plastic cock while moaning out my name. Did she do that when she was alone in her apartment? Did she imagine the vibrator was my cock as she fucked herself with it? “Take all of me, baby,” I shudder as she pushes it in to the hilt.

I take my cock in my hands, pumping up and down as I watch her plunge the purple dick in and out of her pussy. She continues to moan my name as she grinds against the plastic base. I hear the hum as she flips it onto vibrate, and I see her body tense before jerking with her release. Fuck, I can’t take it anymore. I cross to her in two large strides and fall onto her like a hungry animal. She opens her eyes as I pluck the vibrator from within her body and throw it to the floor. I take a second to sheath myself in the condom she had thrown on the bed at some point. “Luc, please!” she cries as I take her ankles in my hands. I push her legs forward, completely exposing her ass and cunt, and I bury myself to the hilt. She takes me easily, still slick from her earlier orgasm. “Oh, God,” she shudders as I hold her legs close to her head and pump deep.

I bottom out on each thrust, feeling my balls tighten as my release comes roaring to a head. I pull back slightly to pinch her clit, hoping to hell she is close because I can’t hold off much longer. When she screams and her body clenches, I blow. I shoot load after load of cum into the condom as I come…hard. Her body milks everything I have. I drop her legs and then collapse over her thighs. I wince as my cock slides halfway out of her. I know I need to withdraw completely and dispose of the condom, but I can’t resist pushing back inside as I relax over her body. We stay connected as I lean down to slide my tongue in her mouth, kissing her languidly. “Holy hell,” I rasp against her now-smiling lips.

“I can’t believe I did that,” she says shyly. “I’ve never…I mean…”

“I know, baby.” I smile tenderly, dropping soft kisses on her neck. “Don’t ever feel embarrassed about anything we do in the bedroom or anywhere else. There isn’t a part of you I don’t adore.”

“Ditto,” she says as she reaches up to cup my cheek, rubbing her hand lightly over my stubble. Wiggling her brows, she asks, “Did you really masturbate in the bathroom earlier or were you teasing me?”

I start laughing and pull out of her snug body. I raise her leg up enough so I can pop her ass lightly before moving from the bed. “You just want the details, my little pervert. If you’re nice to me in the shower, I might do a little reenactment for you…” She jumps from the bed and runs after me. Yeah, I did hit the replay button for her.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s been a week since I found out my stepfather was dead. A blissfully, uneventful, stress-free week. I have a meeting this morning with my financial advisor at school to see where my finances are for my last semester. I still have the money Lucian put in my bank account shortly after we met, but I don’t want to use it. I’m hopeful my scholarships are enough to cover most of my expenses. Then I’m meeting Rose to see her new apartment.

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