Home > Torn from You (Tear Asunder #1)(32)

Torn from You (Tear Asunder #1)(32)
Author: Nashoda Rose

My h*ps pushed into the edge of the table as he thrust into me again and again. I could hear the men talking around us merging with the sound of his pelvis smacking into my ass. Glasses clanged together and I heard men telling Logan harder. A girl sobbed and then the crack of a whip then more sobs. Raul laughed and then he was beside my head shoving his finger into my mouth.

“Suck it like it’s my cock,” Raul ordered.

Logan’s hands dug into my h*ps as if in warning and I knew I had to. I willingly slid my tongue around Raul’s finger, tasting the juices of meat from his meal. He shoved it back and forth into my mouth matching the rhythm of Logan as I suckled and teased his finger as if it was his cock.

Laughter surrounded me. Men yelling out suggestions that sent my stomach churning and I would’ve thrown up if Raul hadn’t taken his finger out of my mouth at that moment.

I heard Logan grunt and tighten his hands on my h*ps as he jerked one last time into me.

He’d barely finished coming before I heard the sound of his zipper, then my dress was pulled down, and he was dragging me off the table.

“Now, I’m going to screw the shit out of her ass in privacy. Think I deserve that after winning that fight tonight, gentlemen.” Logan took my hand, nodded to the men, and strode out of the dining hall, me in tow.

The ability to speak was torn from my mind as if Logan had ripped the vocal cords from my throat himself. Nothing could be said about what happened. I wasn’t sure if he had the intention of f**king my ass, but as soon as we were out of sight of the others, it was like all the terror, anger, disgust, and horror rushed to my head.

I imagined grabbing the machine gun from the first passing guard and running back inside and killing every one of those men. Then I’d watch them writhe around on the floor, suffering a slow, painful death ... Because that’s what each of them deserved—a slow, agonizing death. Nothing quick. Not jail—that was far too kind. Justice would be dropping them into a pit of rats, covered in blood, and having the rats gnaw at them over days ... no weeks.

Each and every molecule in my body had been slowly bottling up with rage and disgust through the dinner. I knew if I was shaken the wrong way, I’d explode into a frothy, screaming mess of a lunatic. I felt like I had to let go, scream, do anything to release all the emotions that were treading across my insides.

I’d survive it, but those girls ... I wasn’t so sure how long they would. And Kai’s newly acquired gift, God, her eyes would haunt my dreams for eternity. She’d been terrified when I tried to offer her comfort. Panic overrode any other emotion that may have once been part of that girl.

Tonight I had watched in horror the degradation of human beings.

Logan walked me back across the courtyard, his hand on the small of my back. “You did good, Emily.” Logan’s words hit me as if he’d taken a bat and slammed it across my face. Good? I did good?

His words were the wrong ones. They shook the rage-filled molecules, and they all popped at the same time.

“Good! Good! I did good?” I screamed and then threw myself at him and began punching. I didn’t care where or how, just as long as my fists were hitting something. I heard his curse as my fist connected with his jaw.

“How could you? How could you? Why did you do that? And those girls? You let them be abused. You let it happen while those pieces-of-shit men destroy them.” I punched him again and again. “They’re human beings, damn it.” The images of the girl’s dead eyes pressed into the forefront of my brain. “Kai is going to kill her. She’s almost dead now. How can you let him do that?”

“Emily. Stop it.” He tried to control me, but I was out of control, the images of what they suffered screaming through me. “Mouse!” Logan’s use of my nickname was lost to my screams, drowned beneath the undeniable anger.

I was crying and screaming at the same time. My voice unrecognizable as I yelled at him. He hooked me around the waist, put has hand over my mouth and picked me up while I continued to scream muffled words. It was then I saw Alfonzo running toward us.

“Jesus, Emily. Damn it.”

Alfonzo stopped. “Sculpt.”

Logan let me go and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Knees. Now.”

I knew what Alfonzo could do to me, so I did what I was told, but my body still shook with anger.

“Give her to me,” Alfonzo said. “Raul is furious. We heard her screams inside.”

I grabbed Logan’s leg. “Please. No. Don’t let him take me. I’ll be good. I promise. Please.”

I never in my life thought I’d beg like that, I don’t think anyone ever thinks they will until they’re faced with this. My mind was only built to take so much, and going through the torture again would kill me. I needed that piece of me that still wanted to live, to fight, to one day have my dream of freedom come true. Alfonzo was going to take that away. He was going to destroy that last fragment of hope, and I would become like those other girls. I’d die inside.

“No,” Logan said to Alfonzo, and I choked back the sobs as overwhelming relief settled into me. “I’ll take care of this.”

The sound of long, casual strides came toward us. I kept my head bowed, but knew the moment he came near enough who it was by his distinct smell—Raul.

“Take her.” Raul’s instructions to Alfonzo were clear. There wasn’t a single ounce of sympathy in his steel tone. “I knew it wouldn’t last.”

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