Home > Harmony's Way (Breeds #8)(48)

Harmony's Way (Breeds #8)(48)
Author: Lora Leigh

Before she could do more than gasp, he had her on her feet, turned, then pressed to the bed.

"Get on your knees."

A shudder shook her at the submissiveness of the position she knew he wanted from her. He pushed her shoulders down as one hand gripped her pants.

Within seconds her lower body was bare and he was moving, kneeling behind her. For some reason, she had expected foreplay. Except for the one event in his office, Lance was always very big on foreplay.

But there was no foreplay.

She screamed as she felt his c**k penetrate the liquid heat of her vagina. Her back arched, the long wail of agonizing pleasure that tore from her would have shocked her if she'd had enough sense to think at the moment.

"You're still so f**king tight you kill me," he snarled as he gripped her hips, his own shifting, stroking her inside, sending shooting fragments of pleasure to torment her nerve endings.

She was so full. He was hot, hard, and he took her breath with the pleasure that suffused her, the emotion that built inside her.

His control was gone. How he had sustained it this long she wasn't certain, but it was shot. She could feel it. Gloried in it.

As he began to move, the heavy length of his c**k f**king into her with hard-driving strokes, Harmony could do nothing but brace herself, fight for breath and take him. She was helpless beneath him. Lost in a world of sudden, irrevocable pleasure with no beginning and no end. There was only Lance and the brilliant heat of his touch, his possession.

"Damn you. Are you going to let them take this from us, Harmony?" He thrust inside her hard and deep, each impalement taking her breath, stealing another part of her ability to think. To reason. "Are you going to let anyone take this from you?" The orgasm, when it hit, was unexpected. His arm curled beneath her; his fingers found the blistering ache of her clitoris and stroked it with devastating results. She knew she screamed his name. She felt her muscles tighten then dissolve as excruciating pleasure whipped through her. Stars exploded around her and she was lost in the chaos. The pleasure. Her head thrown back as she let her body, her senses, absorb every pounding thrust that elevated her release.

She was lost and she knew it. The sexual dominance that had lurked just beneath the surface was free. Lance wasn't a man to be crossed; she had known that all along. He wasn't a man who would stand back and hope for the best.

And he wasn't standing back now.

"We're not finished." The rough statement, delivered in a graveled, hungry voice, had her womb clenching and her breath catching.

"Wait…" Just a moment. Just long enough for the violent sensitivity to ease within the muscles clenching his thick cock.

"For what?" He leaned over her, holding her still as his thighs flexed, causing the throbbing crest of his erection to stroke her internally. "What am I waiting for, Harmony?

For you to think? For you to trust someone who will f**king destroy us?" His h*ps jerked against her, driving him deeper as her breath shuddered in her chest and her fists knotted into the blankets beneath her.

"For some bastard to decide you're better off without me?"

"No!" The agonizing emotion she heard in his voice tore at her heart as she felt his lips at her neck, his breathing hard, harsh at her ear.

And she felt his pain. His fear. The scent of it wrapped around her, mingling with his determination, his strength.

"Mine." He nipped her ear as she felt the slow retreat of his cock, rasping over burning nerve endings. "Do you hear me, Harmony? You're f**king mine!" The latter part of the declaration came with a hard, quick thrust that had her bucking beneath him. Oh God, it was so good. The whipping tendrils of pleasure seemed to flare from her sensitized pu**y along the rest of her body. Her ni**les ached, her cl*t began to throb in renewed need and her flesh began to sensitize to the point that she could feel the air against it, moving over it. Another caress. Another pleasure that had her crying for more, muted little feline growls leaving her throat.

"You like that, baby?"

"Yes…" Whimpers were all she could manage. "Oh God yes, Lance. I love it." She pressed back, feeling the slower impalement, the rock and shift of his hips, the press of his balls against her swollen cl*t as he drove in to the hilt.

"Are you going to let them take this from us, Harmony?" His voice turned to a croon.

"No. No. I swear…" Her head thrashed as she reached desperately for her building cl**ax. "Please, Lance. Please."

"Always mine, baby." He nipped her ear again, stealing her breath with the animalistic dominance in the act. "Do you hear me? You're f**king mine!"

"Yours." Her cry shocked her. It rose unbidden from her lips, shattering the air around her. "Yours, Lance. Always Yours."

The sound that came from his throat could have been a Breed's rough growl. But her declaration broke the last threads holding his control.

The thrusts inside her were rough, primitive. But that was what she needed, she realized. So hard they shook the bed, shafting inside her as she began to fly. As though he pierced her spirit and set it free with the exquisite pleasure ripping through every nerve ending in her body.

Even the air around them seemed to obey his will. It caressed her exposed flesh, licked at her ni**les as she fought to hold herself in place, breathed over her sweat-dampened skin until the pleasure became too much to bear.

"Lance…" Her wailing cry was desperate, shocked, as rapture began to flame around her.

"Come for me, Harmony. Give it to me, baby. Give it all to me…" His voice was guttural, so rough, so deep it was animalistic as his c**k seemed to swell inside her. "Give it to me, baby. And I'll give you…"

She couldn't scream. She couldn't cry. Harmony felt every muscle, every bone in her body lock in place as something began to swell inside her womb. This wasn't pleasure. It went beyond ecstasy. Her vision turned dark and she began to shudder, deep hard tremors shaking her body as she felt her release begin to pulse through her. The muscles of her cunt tightened, swelled, trapping him inside her. She heard his agonized, shocked groan, then felt her pu**y ripple as her orgasm reached its height, milking his flesh, stroking him until she felt the hard, heated pulse of his se**n inside her.

He was growling behind her, whispering something as his body jerked and shuddered against her own.

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