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Harmony's Way (Breeds #8)(46)
Author: Lora Leigh

"I'm a big girl, Lance," she said slowly. "I've been taking care of myself for a long time."

"Yes, you have." He nodded shortly as he straightened. "And several times those bastards hunting you have damned near killed you. Until I can get a handle on the sheer terror clenching my balls right now, then I'd suggest you drop this subject." He was impossible.

"Fine." She waved her hand dismissively as she turned her back on him and headed to her office. "I'll go do the damned reports. But later, I'm going to kick your ass for being so stubborn."

He was stubborn? Lance stared at her retreating back in amazement. She had the nerve to call him stubborn? The woman could have written the book on stubborn. Breathing in roughly, he sat down in his chair, staring at the closed door in disbelief. She had no idea how close she'd come to being taken. Within seconds. He could still remember the imperative cry that suddenly filled the air, making his knees weak as the sound of danger, of Harmony's absence, began to shriek through his mind. If she resists, we 'll take her… The hard voice had drifted past his ears as he came out of his chair. Knock her out and we 'll have her on the heli-jet before she awakens. It was the first time in his life that actual words had whispered past his ear as the air called to him. She had no idea the danger she had been in. The man who had rescued her for ten years was now intent on taking her.


He rose from his chair and paced the office, pausing at the window and staring into the dark landscape of the park beyond.

The side of the department was now well lit, something Lance rarely bothered with unless there was an event in the park itself. The lights from the park illuminated the area enough for safety's sake, but there were still shadows to hide within. Shadows that suddenly seemed ominous.

He braced his hands on the window frame as he stared into them, searching for answers, for movement. He should have let her explain, but he'd be damned if he could handle her confidence in the unknown Dane right now.

She was smart, and she was damned tough. But that bastard had been her savior for too many years. That kind of relationship built a trust that could so easily be used against her.

Jonas. Dane. The killing in Pinon. They were all connected somewhere. Somehow. And Alonzo. He had seen the fanatical hatred in the reverend's eyes and knew they hadn't seen the last of him.

"I'm finished." Harmony stalked into the office and slapped the reports on his desk as he turned to her.

He glanced at the clock. It was close enough to midnight to leave for the night. He had finished the paperwork waiting on him and his second-in-command had shown up early.

"Did you have dinner?" he asked with a frown.

She didn't eat enough, and that bothered him. How she managed to keep going on the amount of food and rest she took in amazed the hell out of him.

"Yes. I ate." She frowned heavily. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Nothing, because I doubt you ate enough to keep a bird alive. Let's go. You can eat with me before we head to the house."

"I'm not hungry."

"Well, I am, and I hate eating alone." At least she was following him—that surprised him.

"You're getting too bossy to suit me," she informed him, moving to his side as they neared the lobby doors.

"I'm not bossy, ask anyone," he growled. "I'm as easygoing as they come."

"I'm glad I wasn't eating when you made that little statement." She gave a mock cough.

"I would have choked."

He threw her a glare as they moved through the night, the summer night surrounding them, the hint of rain bringing a relief from summer's heat.

"Let's go—"

"Sheriff Jacobs?"

Lance turned at the sound of the county prosecutor's voice.

He turned to watch as she moved out of her vehicle and walked toward them.

"Stephanie." He nodded in greeting. "You're out late."

"I had to come into the office late." Her smile was strained as she nodded in Harmony's direction. "Alonzo's lawyer just bailed out Ms. Lancaster's assailant."

"He was slow," Lance grunted. "I expected that earlier."

"He also bailed Tommy Mason." She dropped her bombshell with a grimace. "We just released him from lockup."

"Well, low and behold, the U.S. justice system prevails once again." Harmony's snide comment had Lance mirroring Stephanie's grimace.

"He's only out on bail," she assured Harmony. "The trial will be another matter."

"Good luck there." Harmony leaned against the front of the Raider, watching the prosecutor mockingly. "Personally, my money is on Alonzo. He knows how to hire lawyers, Ms. Atwater, and if Mason is part of his organization, then Alonzo will see to it that he goes free."

"Like hell." Lance turned to her then. "Not here, Harmony. Not in this case. Tommy fired on officers and we have your testimony that he was holding his wife hostage. He won't get out of it."

"Then he'll disappear into Alonzo's organization and you'll be lucky if you ever catch up with him." She shrugged as though it didn't matter. "So much for the promise I made to that kid, huh? I bet he's real safe right now." Lance saw the shadows of pain and rage burning in her eyes when she turned that bright, false smile up at him. "So, did you mention dinner? I'm hungry."

She wasn't hungry, she was brooding. He could see it in her.

"Lance, I'm really sorry about this," Stephanie said softly. "The bail was ridiculously high. We had no idea Alonzo would step in like this."

Lance sighed wearily. "Let's pray he sticks to his routine and spends a few nights drinking and having fun before he goes home. I'll have the deputies keep an eye on him and see if we can't pull him back in."

Stephanie nodded her dark head in agreement, her brown eyes concerned as she stared at Harmony.

"Bring him back in, Lance, and we'll keep him this time."

Harmony snorted at that.

"Thanks again, Stephanie."

She nodded again before turning and moving back to her car. Lance turned to Harmony, taking in her emotionless features, her raging eyes as she watched the other woman leave.

"Have you slept with her?" She turned her gaze to him, arching her brow as though curious.

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