Home > Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)(61)

Seduction of a Highland Lass (McCabe Trilogy #2)(61)
Author: Maya Banks

A few moments later, she approached the laird’s chamber and knocked. The door swung open and Ewan stood in front of her, his expression fierce.

“Who is it, Ewan?” Mairin called. “Is it Keeley?”

Keeley pushed by Ewan and into Mairin’s view. She smiled encouragingly. “Aye, ’tis me. Are you ready to have this babe?”

Mairin sat up on the bed, her hand clutched over her protruding belly. Her gown was bunched around her knees and her hair was askew. Some of the stress eased from her eyes and her lips turned upward into a smile.

“Aye, ’tis the truth I’m weary of carrying this child. I’m ready to hold him in my arms and not my belly.”

Keeley laughed. “I hear that a lot when a woman’s time comes.”

She carefully set up her skirt full of supplies on the laird’s dressing table and then returned to the bed and sat on the edge in front of Mairin.

“When did your pains start? And are they regular?”

Mairin frowned and glanced up at Ewan, her expression guilty. “They started this morn, but they came and went.”

Ewan scowled and let out a breath. “You should have told me the moment your pains began.”

“I had no desire to spend the entire day abed,” Mairin muttered.

“When did they start to become more forceful and constant?” Keeley asked. She stroked Mairin’s hand as she spoke in an effort to soothe her.

“ ’Twas before the evening meal and they’ve gotten closer together since.”

“ ’Tis hard to say how long you’ll labor with the child,” Keeley said as she rose. “Sometimes ’tis not overlong at all, but other times ’tis as if the child is determined to make the world wait.”

Mairin laughed. “I’ll hope for the former.”

Her laughter died and a groan escaped her lips. She bent forward and gripped her middle as her face creased with pain.

Ewan bent over her immediately, his hands flying over her body. “Mairin, are you all right? Is it overly painful?” Then he yanked his gaze to Keeley. “What can I do? How can I help her?”

’Twas obvious to Keeley that the laird was going to drive them all daft if he remained. She laid a hand on Mairin’s arm as she rose and said, “I’ll return in just a moment.”

She hurried out to the hall where she met with Gannon. “I need you to fetch Caelen or Alaric. Tell them to come for the laird and take him belowstairs. Give him some ale or something to soothe his nerves.”

Gannon chuckled. “In other words, get him out of your and Lady McCabe’s hair.”

Keeley smiled. “Exactly. I’ll summon him when ’tis time for the babe to be born.”

As Gannon disappeared, Keeley returned to Mairin and had barely sat down when Maddie and Christina bustled in with the items Keeley had requested. Mairin looked extremely relieved to see the other women, and some of the tension fled from her face.

“By the looks of things, you have a while yet, lass,” Maddie said to Mairin.

Mairin scowled.

Ewan had a faint lost look as he gazed around at all the women. It was obvious he was torn between fleeing for his life and remaining as a support to his wife. He was saved from making a decision when Caelen and Alaric arrived.

There was a brief argument before Mairin shooed Ewan and told him to leave her in peace. Caelen and Alaric each took an arm and all but hauled Ewan from the chamber.

At the doorway, Alaric stopped and glanced back at Keeley. His lips lifted in a half smile and she made herself do the same. Then the three brothers disappeared. Gannon stuck his head in and bowed his head in Mairin’s direction.

“If you have need of anything, I’ll be outside the chamber door.”

Mairin smiled. “Thank you, Gannon.” Then her face promptly spasmed in pain and she issued a grunt as Gannon backed hastily out.

“Ah now, that’s better,” Maddie proclaimed with a satisfied smile. “The birthing chamber is no place for a man. They’re such babies when it comes to a woman’s pain.”

Christina chuckled and Mairin nodded her agreement.

“Ewan wants to be here. ’Tis important to him,” Mairin said softly.

“I’ll make sure he’s here. I told Gannon to tell the others not to let him drink overmuch,” Keeley teased. “You have a ways yet. ’Tis best if you’re comfortable and have as little stress as possible.”

For a few hours the women talked and jested with Mairin. They soothed her through her pains, wiped her brow, and offered her comfort.

“Jesu, ’tis hot in here,” Mairin complained as Christina wiped the sweat from her brow for the tenth time.

“ ’Tis actually quite chilly,” Maddie pointed out. “You’ll not want the babe chilled when he’s pushed from the warmth of his mother.”

“I think ’tis time to remove your gown and have you lie down,” Keeley said. “Your pains are coming close and I’ll need to check to make sure the babe’s positioned correctly.”

“And if he isn’t?” Mairin asked anxiously.

“ ’Tis naught for you to worry over,” Keeley soothed.

They helped Mairin to undress and then made her comfortable on clean linens. Mairin was a slight lass, but her hips weren’t narrow, much to Keeley’s relief. If the babe wasn’t overlarge, she shouldn’t have difficulty with the birthing.

A half hour later, the pains were nearly constant and Keeley looked up from her position between Mairin’s legs. “Go fetch the laird,” she said quietly. “ ’Tis nearly time.”

Christina’s eyes widened. “I’ll go,” she blurted, and was out the door before Maddie or Keeley could respond.

Not even a minute later, the laird burst into the room, his gaze fastened on Mairin. He knelt by the bed and gathered her hand in his.

“Are you all right, sweeting?” he asked anxiously. “Does it hurt overmuch?”

“Nay, not at all,” Mairin said through gritted teeth. “It hurts like the fires of hell!”

“I see the head!” Keeley exclaimed. “With your next pain, I want you to take in your breath, hold it, and then push. Not too hard, just a steady, firm push.”

Mairin nodded and gripped Ewan’s hand harder.

“Oh!” Mairin began.

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