Home > Bengal's Heart (Breeds #20)(72)

Bengal's Heart (Breeds #20)(72)
Author: Lora Leigh

She had no idea. Mother Nature hadn’t made an imperfect mating yet. In all the years that the Breeds had been in existence, she hadn’t once created a pairing that hadn’t sustained, that hadn’t loved.

It was killing him, simply touching her like this, but he knew this was for their future. He couldn’t take from her. He couldn’t force the mating on her. Everything inside his soul rejected the thought. But he could tease her. He could entice her.

He stroked her ni**les with his fingers, plumped them with his fingers. He cupped them, raked his palms over the tips, watched her face and the pleasure that suffused it.

It was almost innocent. Hell, it was innocent. She was a virgin. She came to him untouched by another man’s caresses, and he knew it. He knew her background, her history. She hadn’t played with boys. His serious, sober Jess had worked hard for a career, worked to escape the legacy her father would have drawn her into.

“So beautiful.” He sighed as his fingers trailed from her ni**les to her rounded little tummy. “You make me crazy for you, Jess.”

She pressed her head deeper into the pillow as he played with the clasp of her jeans, a whimpering little moan leaving her lips.

“I can pleasure you without kissing you,” he promised her as he flicked the metal tab of her jeans open.

“With just my fingers, I could make you come for me, Jess. Let me make you come.” Hawke watched as she dragged her eyes open, her gaze going to his fingers as he pulled the zipper down.

“Let’s get these off, baby.” He lowered the material, dragging it from her hips, down her thighs.

He almost came himself when he saw the delicate violet silk of the low-rise panties she wore. They barely covered the fiery triangle of curls beneath, and did nothing to hide the fact that they were wet from her juices.

The scent of her filled his nostrils. Sweet, feminine, fresh. Like a mountain brook, he thought. That was what the scent reminded him of. Pure and clean; untouched.

“Jess.” He pulled the jeans from her legs and tossed them to the side of the bed as he fought for control.

She needed to see, needed to know. She needed this moment in time, he realized.

Moving to her side, he laid beside her, his hand covering the small mound between her thighs as he propped himself on his elbow to watch.

His fingers edged beneath her panties and her hips arched closer to him. A gasp, then a hard breath of need parted her lips as he let one finger slide into the narrow slit, feeling the slick wetness, the clench of her folds around his fingers.

His dick was in agony. His balls were drawn tight to the base of the agonized shaft as the crest throbbed in despair. A dark, spicy heat filled his mouth as the powerful hormone spilled into his system from the tight glands beneath his tongue.

Never had he imagined such agony, such need that he couldn’t relieve. Relief was the sweet, fiery heat his fingers were caressing; the delicate, plump folds; the taut, throbbing pearl of her clit.

He wanted his lips there, his tongue. He wanted to taste her as he was touching her, to spear his tongue inside her and feel her coming for him.

He had to end this soon, he realized. His control was shaky now, his hands trembling with the hunger racing through him.

Jessica was breathing hard and fast beside him, little moans breaking past her lips as he circled the entrance to her vagina, dipped his finger inside, then massaged her clit with his thumb.

Her hips arched, a cry throttled from her throat as he felt her clench around his finger.

She was close. So close.

Jessica felt as though the world were burning around J her. Pleasure surrounded her, filled her. His finger caressed the opening to her sex, thrusting inside just enough to stroke nerve endings she hadn’t known she possessed, while his thumb raked across her clit before finding a spot that sent her flying.

He stroked it, rubbed it. His finger thrust lightly inside her, his thumb ground against her clit and she felt her mind explode. Her senses disintegrated. Her orgasm was an explosion of sensation and light that tore through her, tightened her muscles and had her arching, crying, fighting to breathe.

She was gasping for breath, short, startled cries leaving her lips as he jerked her to him, holding her close, tight, as shudders tore through her body.

This was pleasure. It was flying in another’s arms. It was racing to the sun and exploding in the center of it even as she knew it could have been better, brighter, hotter.

It could have been pure, unfettered sensation with his kiss.

A kiss she now knew she wouldn’t be able to live without.


Hawke was in agony.

The next morning he slid slowly from the bed, grimacing at the violent sensitivity of his dick as he eased away from Jessica’s warm, naked body.

She was sleeping deeply, one arm thrown over her head, the silken, tangled mass of red-gold hair spilling around her face to her shoulders.

Fiery lashes feathered her cheeks. A light flush suffused her face and her soft pink lips were parted as she breathed in and out slowly.

Perfectly curved ripe br**sts lifted and fell with each breath and, God knew, they tempted him almost past bearing. It would take so very little to begin the mating heat right now. He could lower his head, take one of her soft ni**les into his mouth and suckle her slow and sweet, never waking her.

The mating hormone would lave the sensitive flesh, sink into it and slowly enter her system. Twelve to twenty-four hours and she would need his touch like she needed the air she was now breathing.

As much as he wanted her, as much as he needed her, he couldn’t do that to her.

Shaking his head, he turned and moved to the bathroom. A cold shower wouldn’t help his hard dick, and he knew it. The spray of the water would only torment already sensitive flesh, but he needed to get ready for the day ahead.

He stepped under the spray and almost moaned at the feel of the water over the flesh. Hell, he was going to have to make this the quickest shower on record.

Grabbing the bottle of liquid soap, he quickly lathered his hair and rinsed it before soaping a rag and going to work on his body.

The quick, hard strokes of the rag were torture to his aroused body. The silky slid of suds over his c**k and down his thighs were hell.

He rinsed quickly and gave a sigh of relief as he turned off the shower, grabbed a dry towel and grimaced at the thought of drying. Damn, no man should have to go through this, he thought. But neither should a female. He knew what Jessica would suffer once the mating heat started. A sensitivity of flesh that wouldn’t allow for the lightest touch of anything but his hands, his body, his possession.

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