Home > Only Pleasure (Bound Hearts #10)(43)

Only Pleasure (Bound Hearts #10)(43)
Author: Lora Leigh

There were no lights here, just the snow falling, the silence of the trees sheltering. He turned the car and brought it to a stop, leaving the engine idling as he pulled the emergency brake and cut the lights.

The snow was falling slow and easy. Flat fluffy flakes that dissolved on the geothermally heated driveway while piling up around them.

He turned his head as Kia opened her door and stepped out.

The cloak flowed around her shoulders as she moved from the vehicle. He watched her. She lifted her head, a smile lifting her lips as the snow caressed her face. The snow swirled around her, melting against her upturned face.

She looked like a princess, like an ethereal, mystical being not meant for mortal man to touch. Not meant for his hands, so stained with blood, calloused by life and rough with the darkness inside him.

"It's beautiful here." She moved to the front of the car, staring around before turning to him, the sensual perfection of her face touched by shadows and mystery.

Chase moved to her. Not touching her wasn't an option. Not kissing her was impossible. He had to kiss her. Right there, as the snow fell around them, as she was touched by ice and filled with flames, the epitome of every lust-filled fantasy he had ever known.

She would never know what she did to him. How she made him soften inside, made him wish he was different, less hard, less bitter. How much she made him wish he could give in to all the dreams he saw swirling in her eyes.

"I'm going to end up destroying both of us," he muttered, framing her face with his hands, staring down at her, dying inside for her. "Do you know that, Kia? I'll break us both."

He didn't want to break her. He didn't want to see the tears in her eyes that he knew he would cause. And he couldn't bear to see those tears just yet.

He needed this night with her. One more night, one more touch. And he needed it like he needed life.

Chapter 13

Kia lifted her hands, touched his hair, delved into it with desperate fingers, and opened her lips to his kiss. It was like opening herself to magic.

The pleasure filled her entire system. It raced through her veins, pounded in her heart, and had her arching to him, reaching for more.

The snow fell around them, sheltering them, enclosing them in a cloak of white as the towering oak overhead caught most of the flakes, leaving only the smallest hint of icy splendor to melt around them.

Kia could feel the overwhelming sensations moving through her. Chase's hands moved beneath the cloak, ran over her back, gripped her hips, and pulled her closer, and all the while his kisses fueled the desire raging between them.

"Sweet Kia," he groaned, his lips moving over her jaw. "I've missed you."

Her heart jumped with the admission; hope surged through her.

Her head tilted back, allowing him access to her neck as his fingers lowered the zipper at the back of her dress. His hands slid inside the material, stroking her, heating her further.

"I've missed you, too," she whispered. "Oh God, Chase, I missed you so much."

His lips moved to her shoulder, the strap of her dress falling down her arm, the material falling away from her br**sts, and his lips were there.

Chase laid her back against the heated hood of the car. Her heavy cloak protected her back from too much heat, while she stayed warm between the hood and his body.

Kia could feel the heat, beneath her, above her. His lips moved over the rounded globes of her br**sts, his tongue licking over her ni**les as his hand stroked her dress up her legs, over her thighs.

Her fingers fumbled at the buttons of his shirt, but she managed to loosen them, to push the material aside, to stroke the hard width of his chest.

His groan against her nipple had her shivering with pleasure. Then he drew her nipple into his mouth, sucking with ravenous greed.

She arched, drawn tight with the sensations tearing through her now. She could feel his touch in every pore of her body, filling her with electric pleasure, and she was greedy for every touch. Every sensation.

"Chase," she whispered his name tremulously as her hands pushed beneath his shirt to grip his shoulders.

She could feel him between her thighs, the fingers of one hand tugging her panties over her h*ps as his lips began to move lower.

He didn't mean to do this, surely? Here, in the snow?

But he did mean to do it. He was doing it.

Kia stared down at him, watching as he spread her thighs and bent his head to the liquid heat that flowed from her. His face was twisted in pleasure, eyes dilated and staring back at her in rich, heated lust as he kissed her clit.

Kissed it. Laid his lips over it, sucked it into his mouth and nicked at it with his tongue before pulling back. He repeated it, again, again, until her hands were in his hair, her legs lifting for him, her shoes bracing on the bumper of the car.

Chase's hands pressed beneath her, lifted her to his lips. Raining kisses on the swollen, sensitive flesh, he made her crazy with the nearing ecstasy. He licked, sucked each fold between his lips, and stroked it with his tongue.

He moaned against the flesh, flicked his tongue over her, and then parted the intimate lips and pushed his tongue into the clenching core of her body.

Kia arched, a shattered cry falling from her lips as pleasure raced from her vagina, through her nerve endings, sizzling over her body and pushing her closer to the edge of pure sensation.

"You taste so sweet, Kia." He lifted his head, ran his tongue around her clit. Slowly. So slowly. Teasing it, flicking over it as she watched him, panting, barely able to breathe for the excitement racing through her.

"Touch your br**sts for me." His voice was a lash of command, intent, guttural with his own pleasure. "Let me see you, Kia. Let me watch you play with your ni**les."

Kia whimpered at the order, feeling the flush that heated her.

Moving her hands from his hair, she lifted her br**sts, cupped them, and moaned. Her thumbs and forefingers gripped her ni**les and her h*ps jerked at the stabbing sensation that raced to her cl*t and beyond.

"So pretty," he groaned, his head lowering once more, his eyes watching as his tongue stroked around her clit.

He kissed her again, pulled the sensitive bud into his mouth and suckled at it slowly, deliciously. She was so close. Riding the edge of orgasm when he pulled back again, causing her to arch to him, to cry out at the loss.

"So f**king pretty." His fingers smoothed over her swollen folds. "Give me your hand."

He gripped her wrist, pulling it from her breast and brought it between her thighs.

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