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Seduced (Surrender #3)(44)
Author: Melody Anne

“I wouldn’t go that far, Rachel. And I am considered a great catch,” he told her stiffly.

“Ha,” said Rachel, starting to giggle.

“I have a conference call in a few minutes, so I have to run. If you hear from Lia, tell her to call me immediately,” he said. He was obviously unhappy with what Rachel had to say, but also worried about Lia. He might be overbearing, but he did love his sisters.

At the genuine worry in Rafe’s tone, Rachel softened. Was it really so bad to have a family member worry so much about you? No. She and Lia were lucky to have such a good big brother.

“I will try to get ahold of her today. I love you, Rafe.”

“Love you too, squirt.”

Rachel hung up the phone and looked at the clock. It was only one. She had four hours to go. She just hoped she could make it. The worst part was that it was Monday. Her week had just begun.

“Hi, Rachel, just checking up to see how you are doing.” Rachel looked up to find Harold standing in her doorway, and it made her smile.

He’d only been at the embassy for a short time, too, and seemed like a nice enough guy. It felt like he was flirting with her, since he always seemed to be around, but she just couldn’t tell.

“It’s another day,” she responded, trying her best to give him a positive smile.

“How about we grab a bite to eat after work? We can compare notes about who has the more boring of the jobs,” he said with a wink.

It was too bad that Rachel wasn’t attracted to him. Still, she wanted to make new friends and this was a great place to start.

“I’d love to, Harold. I’ll meet you out front,” she said, trying to be friendly without being too friendly. She hoped she was pulling it off. With a wave, he disappeared and Rachel looked back down at her computer. It was now only five after one. The day wasn’t dragging out any less slowly.

As she began responding to an email message, she reminded herself once again that she was a grown-up. If she told herself this enough, maybe her day wouldn’t drag on so painfully.

Somehow she doubted it.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Lia stretched her arms out groggily and smiled. As usual, the tent was too hot — the bright morning sun blazed through the open flaps, and Shane’s body raised the temperature to supernova levels. But, she didn’t care. She felt content, happy, and ready to face another day on their deserted island.

She slipped from Shane’s embrace, getting away for once without waking him, and moved outside the tent, enjoying the warm rays shining down on her. Deciding to take a swim in the now calm ocean water, she stripped off her clothes and walked in.

By the time she emerged, she found Shane sitting on the beach with a smile and breakfast of fresh fruit and the last of their trail mix.

“Now that’s a sight I could be happy to start my day off with for the rest of my life,” he said as he stood and met her at the water’s edge.

Lia’s heart stuttered at his words. She knew he was simply flirting, but the thought of spending every morning with him until the end of time sounded like perfection to her. She didn’t know how she was going to go back to the real world when this was over.

Her mornings would never be the same again.

“You’re a pretty great sight yourself,” Lia murmured as she came up to him and ran her wet hands along his bare chest.

Yowza. All solid muscle covered by tight, dark skin. She could touch and taste him every single day and still not get enough. Their bodies fit together perfectly.

At the instant lust filling Shane’s eyes, Lia almost forgot about her hunger; only the growl of her stomach reminded her that it had needs, too. She decided that men shouldn’t be allowed to have shirts. The only garment they needed to wear was low-slung trousers.

There was nothing sexier, in her humble opinion, than a man in only a pair of semi-loose pants. Bare chest and bare feet. Yum.

Looking even more delectable with his couple of days’ growth of facial hair, he made her want to drag him to the sand. They’d made love so many times, it was almost ridiculous, but she wanted more and more and more no matter how much she was getting. She was becoming a nymphomaniac.

As his hands reached around her, she felt her ni**les instantly harden in anticipation of his touch. The heck with food. She was hungry for something else entirely.

Shane dropped to his knees, the water lapping at her feet and soaking his thin pants. Lifting his hands up, he cupped her br**sts, holding them gently as he gazed upon her.

“You are so beautiful, Lia. Seeing you come out of the ocean completely bare is the most erotic sight I’ve ever witnessed — you are my Aphrodite, my goddess of love. No, don’t laugh, my lovely Lia. I don’t think I will ever tire of looking upon your perfection.” He leaned forward and ran his tongue over one of her ni**les, making her stomach drop and her legs shake.

She gripped his head to keep herself from falling over.

Moving to her other side, he circled her nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth and gently nipping the sensitive peak. Gasping with pleasure, Lia wobbled before him. No problem. She wasn’t going to remain on her feet for much longer.

Fire raced through her veins and her heart thundered behind her br**sts. Fisting her hands in his hair, she tugged him closer, wanting more of what he was giving.

When he reached down and thrust two fingers inside of her wet heat, her body responded instantly, shooting her over the edge and making her shake with pleasure. As the last tremor died down, she sank into the sand in front of him, grasping his head and kissing him for all she was worth.

“Thank you,” she whispered as her tongue traced the edges of his lips.

“It was my pleasure,” he said with a sigh as he caressed her back, not in a hurry to find his own release.

“No, it was all mine. Now, it’s your turn,” she told him as she pushed him backward.

Catching him off guard, Shane fell against the sand, the gentle waves lapping at his legs. She grabbed the waistband of his pants and tugged. Shane lifted up, making the impossible chore easier, and soon she was looking upon his beautifully engorged erection.

“You are so breathtaking, Shane,” she said in awe.

With the sun shining down on his perfect body, she lifted her hand and circled it around his straining member, rubbing slowly up and down, delighted when he groaned his approval.

“Ah, Lia” was all he managed to say.

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