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Seduced (Surrender #3)(34)
Author: Melody Anne

This was their last night, unless he made an excuse to keep them together longer. He wanted to…

“You are distracted, Ian. Don’t be. I want your full attention,” Rachel demanded as she grabbed his hair and brought his mouth down to hers, taking his lips and pushing her tongue forward as she entered his mouth.

He was torn between lust and confusion, and lust won out as Adriane’s tongue followed her retreat and he deepened the kiss, tightening his lips on hers as his hand smoothed down her side to slide beneath her derrière and pull her more tightly against him.

Her responses to him were always so deliciously open and honest. She groaned with pleasure as her h*ps rocked forward, encouraging him to press inside her. She demanded satisfaction, and that was one of the things he loved most about her.

Not proud of the many women he’d lain with, he could safely say none had made a place inside his head — none but Rachel.

She made him lose his mind — made him forget everything except for her.

Pulling back, he smiled when she growled at him, light flaring in her eyes as she reached for him. She was always so eager to have them join together, but Adriane loved to play with her lissome body, loved to make her cry out over and over again.

Grinning at her for only a brief moment before bending down and kissing her ear, his warm, wet tongue slipped along the outer edges, making her break out in goose bumps. Her ni**les strained toward him, aching with a need to be touched.

As if reading her body’s yearning desire, he reached down, taking her peaked ni**les between his fingers and pinching down, elongating the sensitive flesh, bringing such intense pleasure that she called out.

His hand moved down her quivering stomach; he circled the sensitive flesh between her legs, and then teased her swollen little bundle of nerves, not quite giving her what she wanted, but touching her just enough to keep her on edge.

When he slipped inside with two long, supple fingers, then rubbed her in just the right place with his thumb, she cried out her encouragement for him to continue.

Lowering his head, he sucked the puckered flesh on her breast into his mouth, gently clamping his teeth down, rubbing the hard skin lightly before releasing one pink bud and moving to the opposite side. Her hands tangled in his hair as she guided him, showing him exactly what she wanted.

He moved both hands upward, abandoning her principal pleasure point, and he cupped her twin peaks, squeezing the wet flesh and running his thumbs across it before his mouth descended again and teased her br**sts even more.

“I want you inside of me now, Ian. Right now!” Little did Rachel know to whom she had issued that command.

Who was he to argue? Adriane offered a pained smile as he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed protection, slipping it on before moving over her body and positioning himself just outside of her heat.

He wanted to plunge in, but he loved making her wild, loved the thrust of her h*ps upward as she demanded completion. Yes, he was in agony, but the fire igniting in her eyes made the pleasure so much better.


“Yes, now,” he said as he surged forward and drove his full length inside her glorious body.

“Oh, Ian, what you do to me,” she cried as her h*ps lifted off the bed and her nails scraped down his back.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he groaned, thrusting deep inside, over and over, pressure building in his loins.

“You make my head....spin,” she said, almost unthinkingly, as her orgasm drew near. He felt her silken folds tighten on him, felt her body stiffen as she readied to fall over the edge.

“Now, Rachel. Come right now,” he demanded as he loved her hard and fast, his h*ps in sweet collision against her smooth, soft skin.

She exploded around him, screaming in her passion; her eyes closed and her head fell back, her body stiff as she shook beneath him.

“Yes, baby,” he groaned as he followed her into the abyss of pleasure. He also shook, trembling with the strength of his release.

When the final tremors faded, Adriane barely had the strength to free her of his weight. Quickly pulling off the latex protection, he tossed it aside before taking her into his arms, and sighing with pleasure as her head lay cradled against his neck.

He stroked her hair as his brain whirled in circles and his heart felt…lost? This was their last night.

“It’s OK, Ian.”

“What is?” he asked. Could she read his mind?

“Tonight is our last night. I’ve seen the turmoil in you all day. We both knew this was for a week. You really need to quit worrying that I am planning on taking it further than that,” she said with a laugh as she rubbed her fingers against his chest.

Exhaustion filled him, but unbelievably, he felt himself growing hard again. But he forced himself to repress those baser urges; he needed to speak to her.

“What if I don’t want tonight to be our last night?” Adriane was a little surprised by his words, but not enough to take them back.

“We aren’t going there,” she said.

“Why not?” He was thoroughly insulted that she wasn’t jumping at the opportunity to see more of him. He couldn’t remember that ever happening before.

“Because we know nothing about each other — and before you interrupt, I like it that way. I do know that we are both heading in different directions, moving forward with our lives, and I won’t change my plans over a weeklong affair that would burn out within a month if we decided to lengthen it. Just hold me tonight, and let me remember this week always,” she said, almost pleadingly.

Adriane didn’t like her idea of a compromise, but he said nothing as he listened to her breathing. Soon, she was asleep within the safety of his arms.

Extracting himself from her sweet grip, he rose and did something he’d never done before. Finding her purse, he called his assistant and had him copy her information.

It was just in case, he told himself, not looking at any of it. It was a matter of honor. He himself would invade her privacy only if absolutely compelled.

The next morning they returned to the hotel, and when he came out of the shower, he found Rachel gone. Confusion filled him when he looked around and didn’t find anything of hers. It was almost as if she’d never been there, as if this was all nothing more than a dream.

A very, very good dream — but only a dream, nonetheless.

When the shock wore off, fury overtook him. How could she have just walked away so easily?

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