Home > Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(35)

Fractured (Lucian & Lia #2)(35)
Author: Sydney Landon

My mouth drops open as he reaches down to palm his cock through the pants he’s wearing. “Well, she’s seen this many times through the years. It didn’t start out this big, you know.” I don’t know who’s choking on laughter more, Sam or me. The other man might not be able to see where Lucian’s hand is, but I’m certain by the way his shoulders are shaking that Sam knows what Lucian’s referring to.

“So, she’s holding that secret over your head?” I manage to choke out. He gives me a naughty look at my use of the word ‘head’ and I smack his leg. “Stop, Luc, or I’ll never be able to look the woman in the eyes again.” He removes his hand from his crotch, still teasing me playfully.

When we reach his office, he asks me if I want to come in. Even though I’m tempted, I decide to go back to the apartment to regroup. I also need to check my online grades from my final exams and make sure I have the classes I need before my last semester begins. In other words, I need to do normal things today to try to find my routine again and so does he. “Call me when you get home, baby,” he says. When I just nod, he adds sternly, “I mean it, Lia. I’m not trying to smother you, but at least for a while, I need to know that you’re okay.”

I cup his face in my hand, stroking his smooth, shaven cheek. “I know, Luc, and I promise I will.” He kisses my lips briefly and starts to exit the car before coming back and kissing me more leisurely. We are both breathing heavily when he finally pulls away. “Something to remember me by today,” he whispers as he steps out and shuts the door behind him. The ache between my legs after his expert kisses assures me that I will indeed think of him all day.


Cindy looks up from her desk in surprise when I stride off the elevator in front of her. “Luc! I wasn’t expecting you in today. How’s Lia doing?” She looks around behind me, as if expecting her to be there. If I had my way, she would be chained to my side right now and not going back home alone.

“Good morning, Cindy. No, Lia is on her way home. She had a doctor’s appointment this morning. I decided to come in for the rest of the day afterwards.”

Cindy crooks a brow at me and finally calls bullshit. “She kicked you out, huh?”

I grin as I say, “Something like that. Has Aidan had any problems while I’ve been away?” I know without a doubt that Cindy knows exactly what’s been going on at Quinn Software, so she’s my first stop before calling Aidan in for a status update.

“Things have been running smoothly, Luc. Aidan met with Kenson yesterday and said it went well.” Kenson is a software company I’m interested in acquiring. They are one of Quinn’s partners and would prosper under better management. Their current owners are too busy bickering amongst themselves to realize what a goldmine they’re sitting on. It’s a good time to buy while they hate each other and are ready to walk away.

“That sounds good. Can you have him come to my office, please? And Lia is doing well. It’s been tough for her, but she is starting to get back on her feet again.”

“I’m glad, Luc,” she says softly. “I’ve been praying for you both.”

I incline my head before walking into my office. It still looks exactly the same as when I left it in a panic to go find Lia weeks ago. I walk behind my desk and settle in my chair. Damn, I never knew how much I missed this normalcy until now. Before my unusual sentimental thoughts can continue, Aidan knocks once before walking in. His face looks drawn and tired, and I feel a stab of guilt at dumping so much on him so suddenly. “Luc! Good to see you back here, man. I wasn’t expecting that for at least another week.” I stand as he gives me a brief bro-hug before settling into one of the chairs in front of my desk. “So, I take it that Lia is doing well if you’re here?”

“She is doing better. She had a check-up this morning and was able to remove the splint from her nose.” Her usual pert nose was still swollen and now has a small bump on the ridge of it.

“That’s great, I’m glad to hear it. How is she doing…with the other stuff?”

I recline back in my chair, thumbing a pen on my knee. “It’s been hard for her. She’s dealing with a lot, but I think she’s turned a corner. Lia is much stronger than people imagine; she’s had to be. She caught me doing a line a few days ago,” I admit, needing someone to talk to about it.

His eyes are huge as he processes my words. “Shit! I thought you were trying to quit?”

“I was…I am,” I say as I run my hands through my hair. “After we made it home, some shit happened, and it just fucked with my resolve. Even though it makes me sick that she knows, maybe it’s better. I have to stop, no matter what it takes, and it was getting hard to hide. She deserves better than that.”

“So do you,” Aidan adds softly, ever the loyal friend. I think back to Lia staring at me in shock as I prepared to snort a line, and I want to be whole again for the first time in eight years. And not just for her. Finally, I want it for myself. I want to be a man Lia is proud to have by her side…always. There is no way her childhood Prince Charming used coke. I refuse to be another person in her life who has disappointed her, and that is exactly what I felt like. Even though she handled it better than I would have imagined, it was still a humiliating moment that I don’t want to relive. Aidan grimaces. “Does this mean you’re going to continue your new chain-smoking hobby?”

I shake my head, wanting to cringe at the thought. “Hell, no. I’m not sure why that offends you so much since you smoke.”

“I’m just a social smoker,” he grins. “Well, maybe a stress one, as well. Plus, the chicks dig it.”

“You fucking liar,” I deadpan. “In my brief time of smoking, I saw more female noses turning up as I walked by than I care to admit. My aunt may actually be relieved it’s not my vice of choice.”

Aidan almost falls out of his chair as he leans forward. “You’re not seriously going to tell Aunt Fae you’re doing cocaine?”

“I am,” I say calmly, although inside I’m just as nervous as he is. I love my aunt, but she’s probably going to kick my ass. I need her help, though. I don’t want to enter a treatment facility, but I know it’s going to be too hard to stop on my own and possibly even dangerous. I need her medical expertise.

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