Home > Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(53)

Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(53)
Author: Maya Banks

She cried out despite her vow not to. She couldn’t help it. His name was a litany on her lips as she sobbed it over and over, begging him for more, for mercy, though she wanted none.

Her safe word never even threatened to burst forth. It was the furthest thing from her mind. She couldn’t even remember it, didn’t want to remember it because she didn’t want this to end.

Over and over he f**ked her ass and then the blows began to fall, peppering her back and ass when Dash pulled back each time.

“I want you to come,” Dash ordered. “With me, Joss. I want you with me. Tell me what you need to get there so I can make it happen.”

Her brain was utterly scrambled. She didn’t know what she needed when her entire body was on fire and aching with unfulfilled need.

A strange hand gently parted her folds underneath where Dash f**ked her hard and furious. It wasn’t Dash’s touch. She knew it intimately. This was the man who’d flogged her. He was gently caressing her clit, trying to bring her fulfillment.

She trembled, turned on by the idea of two men touching her. Dash had said another man would never have her, and indeed, it was Dash possessing her, filling her while the other man merely touched, aided Dash.

Her legs began to shake. Her entire body trembled as her orgasm swelled to greater heights. The fingers became more forceful, circling and rubbing her clit and then down to her entrance, the fingers plunging inside as Dash f**ked her ass with all his strength.

She went off like a bomb, her cry loud in her ears. She screamed Dash’s name, bucking wildly against him, nearly unseating him though her movements were confined by the ropes binding her hand and foot.

She felt the hot jets of se**n spurting onto her skin, lashing her bu**ocks and then filling her opening. Dash pushed into her again, still spilling inside her, thrusting and jetting until cum ran down her legs, dripping to the floor.

Then he blanketed her body, whispering soothing words close to her ear. But she couldn’t make out what he said because of the roar still thudding in her veins. She was panting, her strength completely gone, wrung out from the most explosive experience of her life.

This was what she’d been missing for so long. She didn’t spare any guilt or self-consciousness over the fact that she’d craved what others would find depraved. She was in a public setting where anyone at all could see her and Dash in the most intimate of acts. And yet even though it was indeed public, the intimacy was not broken because those other people didn’t exist for her. Only Dash and the pleasure he gave her.

He kissed her shoulder and as he lifted himself off her, he trailed a line of kisses down her spine before finally easing himself from her still-quivering body. Then he and the other man carefully untied her and Dash pulled her into his arms, supporting her so her knees didn’t give way.

The other man flashed in her vision for a brief moment before she fixed her unsteady stare on Dash. He looked at her so tenderly, his gaze filled with so much love, that if he hadn’t held her so firmly she would have fallen down.

He kissed her, whispering his approval, pride and satisfaction. She soaked up those words like a rain-parched desert. She leaned into him, wanting and needing that closeness now that she was so vulnerable after her earth-shattering orgasm.

“Turn around and thank the man who assisted me,” Dash said gently. “Give him your thanks and then return to me.”

“What do I do?” she whispered. “I mean what is expected of me? Am I supposed to p-pleasure him?”

“No, honey. Not at all. He was more than satisfied to take part in seeing you come apart and react so beautifully under the kiss of leather. I’ve said no man will have you but me, and that means your pleasure as well. He shared in yours, yes. But you will thank him and nothing else.”

She turned, still wobbly as Dash supported her. She glanced up at the man, taking in his features. He was older than Dash, perhaps ten years or so. There was just a hint of silver at his temples but he was very handsome. He smiled gently at her as she murmured her thank-you. He took her hand, lifting it to his lips to press a tender kiss to her skin.

“Dash is a very lucky man,” he said solemnly. “You’re a beautiful sight, Joss. There wasn’t a man in this room who wasn’t envying Dash with his every breath just now.”

She smiled. “Thank you. Thank you for your generosity. You brought me pleasure. You and Dash both. For that you have my thanks.”

“It’s I who owe you my thanks for allowing me to have a small part in something so beautiful,” he said gravely.

He nodded his head at Dash and then turned away, melting into the crowd that Joss had just noticed gathered around her and Dash.

Her cheeks warmed as she took in the fact that she and Dash had been the focus of the entire room. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch her and Dash. His mastery of her. Women stared, jealousy evident in their gazes that drifted meaningfully over Dash. They wanted him. They made no effort to disguise it. And the men. She sucked in her breath, surprised by the naked desire she saw reflected in their stares.

She glanced up at Dash, baffled by their reactions.

He smiled tenderly down at her, pulling her into his arms. “You’re beautiful, perfectly submissive and you react to the whip like a dream. What man wouldn’t look at you with lust in his eyes?”

“I only want you to look at me that way,” she whispered. “Take me home, Dash. I want to go home with you.”

He kissed her forehead and then reached for her discarded clothing. He helped her dress after wiping the remnants of his release from her skin. The clothing was uncomfortable against her still-burning flesh and she flinched when Dash zipped up her dress.

He kissed her shoulder and grazed his teeth up her neck.

“When we get home, I’ll take you out of your clothing and draw you a bath so you can have a nice long soak. And tomorrow you’ll wear nothing the entire day. I don’t want to cause you any discomfort.”


JOSS was at a booth at the Lux Café waiting for Chessy and Kylie to arrive. For once, she was the first to arrive, but she was anxious to see her friends. She’d shamelessly neglected them over the last few weeks and she felt guilty for not making the effort to see them more. Especially Kylie.

She’d heard reports from Dash about how Kylie was taking Jensen’s position in the company, and he’d said things were noticeably strained at the office but that Kylie was handling it. Whatever that meant. He’d only said that she was quiet but did her job without complaint.

Other than a few phone calls and exchanged e-mails or texts, she hadn’t seen her friends alone at all since their lunch in this same place the day she’d told them of her decision to go to The House.

How much had changed since then! She’d been so utterly wrapped up in her budding relationship with Dash that everything else had faded into the background.

She looked up when Chessy and Kylie came in together and she rose, hugging them both in turn before they sat down.

“I’m so glad to see you both,” Joss said sincerely. “I’ve missed you.”

Chessy’s eyes sparkled. “Uh-huh. You expect us to believe that when you’ve been wrapped up in that hunk of man of yours?”

Joss laughed but she studied Kylie carefully. It was obvious that she was indeed under an enormous amount of strain. There were dark smudges underneath Kylie’s eyes, which told Joss that her dreams were tormenting her again. Still.

Joss sighed, worried over her friend. She reached out to squeeze Kylie’s hand.

“How has work been? How is Jensen working out?”

Kylie made a face. “He bugs me.”

“How come?” Chessy asked curiously. “That man is divine to look at. So dark and brooding. He makes me shiver, and I have my own very possessive dominant man to go home to.”

Joss laughed again but sobered at Kylie’s haunted look.

“That’s just it. He’s so quiet and intense. He just looks at me. Stares. Like he’s trying to see into my mind or whatever. It bothers me, and what am I supposed to say? I can’t very well tell him to stop looking at me. He and Dash both would think I was crazy. Maybe I am,” she added with a shrug.

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