Home > Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(52)

Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(52)
Author: Maya Banks

Dash’s eyes narrowed. “Is that your fantasy, Joss? To have two men making love to you? Cherishing you?”

She shook her head quickly. “One is quite enough for me,” she said with a laugh. “All I need is you, Dash. You’re all I can handle!”

He looked smug. “Glad to hear it, honey, because I have no intention of sharing you with any other man, at least not on a permanent basis.”

“I think that’s obvious after the way you threatened Craig,” she said dryly.

He guided her toward a padded bench that looked like a huge saddle. It was curved in the middle and had V legs extending out from the bottom. In front there were two posts and she wondered what they could possibly be used for.

“I’m going to undress you, Joss. Here and now in front of everyone. I don’t want you to focus on anyone but me. Only me. Forget about everyone else. There is only me and you in this room and what we do together.”

She nodded, swallowing back her nervousness.

He was slow and reverent as he gently divested her of her clothing. Each piece was carefully stripped away. He took his time as if savoring the process. Exposing her skin inch by inch.

When she was naked, he stood to his full height, inhaling deeply as he stared over her nude body.

She felt . . . beautiful. Worthy. And proud.

Dash was a gorgeous, alpha dominant male and he wanted her.

Never had she felt so feminine and powerful. Yes, Dash held all the power. He had control over her. And yet she felt powerful in her own right. As though she held his pleasure and satisfaction in the palm of her hand.

“I want you to bend over the bench, belly down on the padding. Make sure you’re comfortable and tell me if you’re not. Extend your arms outward toward the posts. I’m going to secure your hands to those posts and then I’m going to tie your ankles to the legs so you’re incapable of movement.”

Her heart fluttered and her breaths sped up, puffing erratically over her lips. Now it became clear just what those posts were for. She would be spread and bound securely so he had access to every part of her body.

When she was positioned to his satisfaction, he began winding the satin-covered rope around her wrists. When they were firmly secured, he turned his attention to her ankles, tying them tightly to the legs of the bench.

Then he caressed her bottom, spreading and petting the globes. Would he f**k her ass? Her pu**y? Both? Her mind was alive with the possibilities. Desire buzzed in her veins like a potent drug. She was sluggish and high, already well on her way into the dreamlike plane she entered every time Dash dominated her.

But then she remembered him asking for a flogger. She sucked in her breath, realizing that he intended to spank her. And she was in the perfect position, her ass, her back and the backs of her legs vulnerable to his strikes.

He walked around in front of her, ducking underneath one outstretched arm that was tied to the post, and then unzipped his slacks, pulling his erection from his underwear. It bobbed in front of her lips and then he palmed the top of her head, forcing it upward so her mouth was open to his advance.

He slid in roughly, plunging deep on the very first thrust. It was clear that he was as aroused as she was and that he wouldn’t be gentle tonight. She didn’t want him to be. She wanted his dominance. His strength. His absolute power over her. She liked how vulnerable she felt with him. Gloried in the fact that he could—and would—use her mercilessly. Rough. Hard. She wanted it all.

For several long moments he f**ked her mouth with ruthless, exacting precision. Precum leaked into her mouth and dribbled onto the floor before she could swallow it all. Then he pulled away, stiff and distended, and caressed her cheek in approval.

“Very good, darling. You please me very much. Now I’ll take you further. I’m going to flog you, Joss. And I’m not going to be easy. Remember your safe word. I won’t gag you because I want you to be able to say that word if necessary.”

She nodded her understanding but she’d already resolved that she wouldn’t use the word no matter what. She’d pass out before allowing her safe word to cross her lips. She wouldn’t disappoint Dash or herself that way.

He picked up the crop and trailed it down her back, caressing the length of her spine with the leather tip. Then he smacked the fleshy part of her bottom, eliciting a gasp. She tightened her lips, determined that no further sound would escape. She would bear stoically everything he dished out.

Another blow fell and she bit into her lip to stanch the cry that threatened to burst free. He hadn’t lied. He wasn’t being the least bit gentle. His blows were harder than they’d been before. Sharper, with a burn that faded and was replaced by glowing pleasure.

By the sixth lash, she’d entered a dreamy state, sluggishly reacting to every strike. She tried to arch upward, seeking the sweet heat caused by the repeated blows.

He struck harder, as if sensing she’d already slipped into drugged unawareness. The eighth broke through her reverie, bringing her sharply back into focus. He peppered her back, her behind, even the backs of her thighs until she was certain her entire body was ablaze with color, rosy from his marks.

She was gasping now, her breath hitching as he showed her no mercy. Up to her shoulders, the sensitive skin on fire as he covered her entire back. There wasn’t a part of her body that wasn’t tingling. She twitched, unable to keep still, trying anything to alleviate the exquisite burn.

Her head drooped lower, sagging when she could no longer hold herself up. But his hand twisted ruthlessly in her hair, yanking her head back up to slide his c**k into her mouth.

He f**ked her for several long moments, the sucking sounds she made the only noise she could hear. She had no awareness of what went on around her. Had no idea if others were watching, observing Dash’s mastery over her body. She didn’t care. For her there was only him and her. And this moment.

He slid in, pressing his groin to her chin, and remained there until she struggled for breath. But she forced herself not to panic. She trusted Dash. He knew her limits. He wouldn’t go too far.

Then he eased out, pulling the rest of the way from her mouth, and the fire of the lash returned as his blows grew more intense. She was barely conscious, not because she was overcome with pain but because the world had ceased to exist around her. There was a heavy fog of pleasure surrounding her, invading her veins. She craved more. Begged for more. She could hear herself as though she were a distant voice through the heavy haze.

And then his body came down over her back, blanketing her with his warmth and strength. He whispered close to her eyes.

“Darling Joss. So very beautiful and submissive. You have no idea how precious you are to me, how beautiful you look with my marks raised on your skin. I’m going to f**k you now and I’m going to f**k you hard. Your pu**y first and then that sweet ass. And I’m going to have another man flog you while I f**k you.”

Her eyes flew open as her body came to life. She was violently aroused at the image he invoked. That she would be flogged by another man while Dash possessed her, claimed her, f**ked her.

How would she survive it? She was already so far gone that she could barely remember her own name. And now Dash was upping the ante and pushing her further than she’d ever imagined.

He grasped her hips roughly, pushing into her with a brutality that took her breath away. He was deep, wedging himself as far into her pu**y as he could go. She was ready, more than ready for him, and yet she was so tight around him. He was huge within her. So aroused that he was thicker, longer, broader than ever.

He hammered into her, rocking her against the bench and stretching the restraints to the point of pain. And she took it all. Craved more. Wanted more. And more.

And then the lash fell as Dash pulled back. The two men worked in perfect rhythm. The flogger fell as Dash retreated and raised when he slammed back into her.

She was sobbing helplessly, so far gone in her pleasure that she wasn’t even sure whether she’d orgasmed yet or not. If she had, she was well on her way to another, her need building to a frightening intensity.

And then he pulled out, spread her ass cheeks and quickly smeared a generous amount of lubricant over the seam. He positioned himself at her tiny opening and hammered forward, giving her no time to adjust to his invasion.

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