Home > Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(51)

Letting Go (Surrender Trilogy #1)(51)
Author: Maya Banks

Dash was with her, his possession evident in his every expression and movement. There would be no choosing another man tonight. Her choice was made. Dash and only Dash would take her through the paces of whatever he planned.

Not knowing exactly what it was he planned for her added an element of intrigue and only heightened her arousal. Her ni**les were taut and aching. Her pu**y was clenched tight and she knew she was wet already.

Dash escorted her through the social rooms where he got her a glass of wine. But she knew that the biggest reason he made an appearance here was because he wanted to show her off and that gave her ego a huge, much-needed boost.

He was proud of her. It was evident in his gaze. It never left her, scorching a path over her skin every time it raked over her. He barely left her side even to get the wine. He was always within touching distance, his hand on her, his arm wrapped around her.

But when Craig, the man Joss had been with that first night, entered the room, his gaze sweeping over the women with a predatory gleam, Dash immediately stiffened and drew Joss farther into his side.

His hold on her screamed possessiveness and he met Craig’s mocking gaze with a frigid look of his own.

“Corbin,” Craig said curtly, nodding in Dash’s direction. Then his gaze swept appreciatively over Joss. “You’re looking beautiful, Mrs. Breckenridge.”

Dash stiffened at the manner of address, and Joss’s hand went to his arm, squeezing lightly.

“Thank you,” Joss said politely. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be moving on.”

But Dash didn’t immediately move away. He pushed into Craig’s space so they were nose to nose. Well, almost nose to nose since Dash had a good three inches in height over Craig.

“I don’t want to see you in the common room,” Dash bit out. “I’ll throw you out myself. You don’t so much as look at Joss. Got me?”

Craig chuckled. “You don’t control my comings and goings, Corbin. I have a right to be here, same as you. So go f**k yourself. I’ll look all I like.”

“You don’t come up those stairs,” Dash said menacingly. “I will take you apart and I don’t give a shit if I get barred from the premises from now on. It would be worth it to take you down a few notches. Try me. I dare you.”

Craig paled and backed down, fear evident in his eyes. Dash had been coldly serious. Joss absolutely believed that he’d rearrange Craig’s face and it was evident that Craig held that same belief.

Without a word, Craig backed away and turned to leave the room, casting a disgusted look in Dash’s direction.

Dash curled his arm around Joss and guided her out of the room and toward the stairs.

“Come on, honey. I won’t let him ruin our night.”

“He wouldn’t have ruined it anyway,” she said gently. “I don’t care if he was here. I’m here with you, Dash. Only you. It doesn’t matter to me who sees me because I belong to you.”

He paused at the bottom of the stairs and pulled her into a breathtaking kiss.

“Thanks for that, honey. I just don’t like the guy and I like it less that he’s had his hands on you once. That he touched what I consider mine and have considered mine since before we ever got together.”

She smiled and wiped the lipstick off his lips. “You’ve messed up my makeup.”

He growled, the sound rumbling from his throat. “It’s going to get a lot more messed up before I’m finished. Your hair’s beautiful, sweetheart, but I’m afraid that delicate updo is just going to end up destroyed.”

She shivered and smiled in delight. “I can’t wait.”

“Then let’s get to it,” he murmured, pushing her up the stairs.

When they entered the common room it was alive with activity. There was recognition on Dash’s face as his gaze swept the occupants. Damon Roche saw them in the doorway and headed in their direction, a welcoming smile on his face.

A gorgeous dark-haired woman was glued to his side and she guessed that this must be his wife, Serena.

For a woman who’d had a baby not so long ago, her figure was perfect, showing no signs of pregnancy.

“Dash, Joss, it’s good to see you both,” Damon said warmly.

It seemed the height of awkwardness to be exchanging pleasantries while everyone around them was indulging in hedonistic pleasures. Naked, moaning, f**king, sucking. The smack of a flogger against flesh. Cries and moans of pain and pleasure. The scent of sex and arousal was thick in the air. It brought a prickle of chill bumps to Joss’s skin.

How could she casually undress in front of these people?

As if sensing her unease, Dash’s arm tightened around her as they conversed with Damon and Serena.

A moment later, two men on either side of a striking Asian woman walked up to where she and Dash stood with Serena and Damon.

Dash’s face lit up in recognition and genuine pleasure.

“Lucas, Cole, Ren,” he acknowledged. “It’s damn good to see the three of you. It’s been a while.”

The men extended their hands to Dash, and Dash leaned in to kiss Ren on either cheek. It quickly became obvious to Joss that Ren was with both men. Her mind came alive with curiosity, imagining what it would be like to have two such strong, dominant men at the same time. Was it permanent or were they just seeking a night of pleasure in a haven that catered to every sexual whim?

“We’ve been in Vegas quite a bit over the last few months,” Lucas said. “Introduce us to your lady friend, Dash. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her here before.”

Dash pulled her forward, squeezing her hand.

“Honey, this is Lucas Holt, Cole Madison and Ren Holt-Madison. Guys, this is Joss. She is mine.”

The simple introduction sent warmth all the way to her toes. His matter-of-fact way of saying she was his. He was saying publicly that she belonged to him. That he was her Dominant and she his submissive. If she thought she would ever be embarrassed to be introduced this way, she now knew she was wrong.

She loved it.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Joss,” Cole said gently, brushing a kiss over her hand.

Lucas took her hand next, his dark gaze penetrating her until she felt bare. There was something about both men that made her feel . . . vulnerable. She glanced at Ren, who looked extremely content to be between them, and wondered at the strength the smaller woman must possess to be able to take on both of these obviously dominant men.

Cole pulled Ren closer into his side while Lucas kept hold of her hand, their fingers laced tightly together. They obviously had no reservations whatsoever about the world knowing of their unusual relationship. Dash had introduced Ren using both of the men’s last names. Was she married to both? Bound to them both?

The situation intrigued and fascinated her. She’d have to remember to ask Dash about them later.

“We’ll let you get to tonight’s entertainment,” Damon said politely as he gathered his wife to his side. “Is there anything you need? You’ve only to ask one of my men and they’ll get whatever it is you require.”

“Is the bench unoccupied?” Dash asked, a gleam entering his eye.

Both Serena and Ren glanced at Joss, and she could swear envy entered their gazes. Whatever the bench was, it must be pleasurable because both women looked as though they wanted to be in Joss’s position.

“It is. I’ll have it reserved for you for the night if you like,” Damon said graciously.

“I appreciate that. I’ll need restraints and a flogger.”

Damon nodded and then Dash said their farewells, Joss echoing them as well as expressing her happiness over having met them. Dash led her away from the group of people and farther into the room.

“They’re your friends?” Joss asked.

Dash nodded. “I met them here.”

“Cole, Ren and Lucas. They’re together? The three of them?”

Dash smiled. “Yes. A not so unusual situation for here. Though theirs is a permanent arrangement and not confined to nights of fun at The House. She belongs to them both, and they both adore the ground she walks on.”

“She’s lucky,” Joss said wistfully.

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